Stresa - Arona Roundtrip
Partiamo da Stresa Bike Rental e raggiungiamo la Strada Statale 33, qui proseguiamo in direzione Arona. Questo primo tratto di percorso si snoda lungo le coste del lago, attraversiamo gli abitati di Belgirate, Lesa e Meina godendoci il bellissimo panorama.
Difficulty: Mediium
Length: 44 km
Elevation gain: 304 m
Equipment: MTB, Road Bike, E-bike
Start from Stresa Bike Rental and reach SS33, a panoramic route along the lake and cycle towards Arona. This first part of the trail develops along the lakeside, you will pass throught he villages of Belgirate, Lesa and Meina, enjoying a wonderful view.
Before Arona turn right following directions to Dagnente, get through the Colossus of San Carlo and take Via Verbano.
After Dagnente continue towards Ghevio (via Ghevio-Dagnente and via Meina) and follow directions to Gignese.
Then pass through the small villages of: Pisano, Nebbiuno, Massino Visconti and Brovello-Carpugnino.
Turn right at the stop sign (after the motorway’s roundabout), towards via Gignese. Then you’ll reach again Stresa with a panoramic road.
Curiosity: The statue of San Carlo is the highest in the area, with a total height of 35.10 meters, it was, for about two centuries, the tallest visitable statue in the world.